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Guests and New Members

Due to the growing popularity of our club the committee  have decided to introduce a temporary freeze on new Memberships and new Guest paddlers. 

This decision has been taken because of the large numbers of paddlers attending each Friday and also the popularity of social events. While large numbers are encouraging, car park and social venue capacities and, in particular, safety considerations, dictate that the club cannot grow unconstrained. Hence a cap on membership numbers has been implemented. 

Prospective Guest Paddlers and Members can join the waiting list by submitting a Membership Application and a Guest Paddler Indemnity Form to the Membership Officer (


Acceptance of membership applications are subject to approval by the committee, compliance with Club Safety Rules & Procedures and completion of an indemnity form, copies of which can be read or downloaded here. Current annual membership fees are $25.

Visitors and new members should be aware that:

  1. The “Club”, and the “Leaders”, and “Tail End Charlies”, are not trained or insured professionals. They do not have any formal “First Aid” qualifications and are not trained for a water rescue due to a capsize or any other event.

  2. Each individual paddling is responsible for their own wellbeing and safety. Please do not paddle if you feel the conditions are beyond you, or your health is impaired.

  3. Each individual should ensure that their craft, paddling equipment, and safety gear is in good working order and their craft has sufficient buoyancy to stay afloat and support them, in the event of a capsize.

President  Jerome Toonen      0439757277
Secretary  Soozie Ross          0422 668 620
Copyright Over 45 Social Canoe Club (Inc.) 2019


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